Vision, Mission & Values

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Vision & Mission

The school’s overarching vision is an empowered community of individuals and families with the will and skills to reach their full potential. The mission of TLC Leadership Academies is to transform lives and communities by equipping students with the academic and social-emotional skills to lead effectively in a global society.

Our Values

TLC Academies has adopted four core values that are aligned with our vision and mission. These are: authentic engagement, meaning making, personalized support, and stimulated curiosity.

Authentic Engagement

We value each student enough to connect with genuine care and without judgment, modeling healthy interaction in a safe space.

Meaning Making

We believe each life is significant, and we seek to help each student find meaning in their choices, appreciate their progress, and become intentional in their identified purpose.

Personalized Support

We adjust our approach to the needs, goals, and strengths of each human being we serve, so every student feels safe and able to grow, learn, and heal.

Stimulated Curiosity

We strive to empower students to become more connected to the world around them, challenging them to think about and solve problems in new ways, and encouraging curiosity about themselves and others.


If you would like to learn more about TLC Leadership Academies submit an interest form or email us at